Welcome to Fayzie!Because we want to keep this forum in order, we have set up rules. Breaking these rules can lead to a punishment (are described below).
1. - Double posting content is not allowed
2. - Advertising discord servers/other forums is strictly forbidden.
3. - Do not post racist/toxic content.
4. - Do not post virusses.
5. - Threating with DOX/DDOS is not allowed
6. - Don't post content that is offensive for other users.
7. - No trolling/impersonating other people.
8. - Don't spread false information.
9. - No pornographic content under ANY condition.
10. - Talk our main language (English)
11. - Post threads in the correct category.
- Thread delete
- Warning
- Ban
For every 3 warnings you receive your account will be terminated for 3 days.
Happy leaking!
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